We address a few common questions here, and encourage you to call for clarification or any additional questions you may have.
What is your turnaround time?
Our turnaround time depends on the type of work we will be doing on your firearm. When we receive your project and can confirm the specific services needed, we can provide an estimate of the time that will be required. Some projects can be completed as quickly as several weeks to several months, while others require more time.
Can I get a quote over the phone?
You are welcome to call to discuss your project. Please keep in mind that all quotes given prior to our receipt of your gun are tentative and cannot be confirmed until we have evaluated it firsthand. Our posted price list is a good guide and seldom varies.
Your best bet is to send your firearm to us for evaluation. We can then give you a detailed overview of what work will be required and the extent of restoration possible. We do not charge for a quote – you are only responsible for shipping costs.
How do I prepare metal for a “dip”?
If you are sending your project in for a “dip”, we do not do any metal preparation for you. It must arrive in the shop completely rust-free and polished to your satisfaction. Please do not send any rusty parts for a dip – no matter how light the rust, bluing will not eliminate it.
Preparation should include stripping old bluing, then bead blasting with an abrasive (e.g. glass bead or aluminum oxide) to remove rust, followed by polishing from lower to higher grits. It is important that you properly oil and package your prepared metal, as surface rust can form in a very short period of time, especially in transit environments.
When we receive your firearm, we will evaluate it to be sure there is no rust present, and then run it through the bluing tanks in the next bluing session. If rust is present we will contact you regarding your options.
If you have aluminum parts that accompany your dip, we can Cerakote those parts for an extra fee.
Can you preserve or re-engrave my lettering and/or engraving?
We polish your firearm only to the extent that we do not remove any engraving or lettering. If your lettering and/or engraving is light or missing, we can have it deepened or replaced by our local master engraver, Jim Blair. The cost will depend on the work required, and an estimate will be given once the firearm has been evaluated.
What if I have aluminum or stainless steel parts?
We Cerakote aluminum and stainless steel parts to most closely approximate the bluing on your firearm. We can also Cerakote some pot metals and other hardened parts that will not readily blue.
Can you remove pitting and dents?
It depends on your individual firearm and the extent of the damage. While we can often polish out pitting entirely, sometimes it is too deep to be fully removed; in this case we mitigate the pitting damage to the extent possible. We will only polish out pitting and dents to the extent that all lettering, proofmarks and engraving are preserved, and will not compromise the integrity or tolerances of the metal or the factory lines of the gun.
Can you repair my firearm?
We do minor gunsmithing projects in-house, and have a number of highly qualified gunsmiths to whom we send more intensive projects. We can address your specific repair needs when we are able to evaluate your firearm.
When are you open?
We are open Monday-Friday, 9am-Noon and 1pm-4pm, or by pre-arranged appointment.
Where are you located?
We are located in the town of Glenrock, Wyoming, a few miles off of I-25. We always enjoy visiting with you if you have a chance to drop in.